Democratic Republic of Congo Kuba Peoples Cephalomorphic Ceremonial Palm Wine Cup
A Democratic Republic of Congo Kuba Peoples Cephalomorphic Ceremonial Palm Wine Cup
Old dry smooth silky patina
Early 20th Century
Size: 18cm high, 11cm dia. (max) - 7 ins high, 4¼ ins dia. (max)
Old dry smooth silky patina
Early 20th Century
Size: 18cm high, 11cm dia. (max) - 7 ins high, 4¼ ins dia. (max)
The Kuba once produced a variety of distinctive vessels for drinking palm wine. This vessel is carved in a typical cephalomorphic stylised form with a large female head supported on abbreviated legs that terminate in abstract feet. The stylistic features of the face; the hairline ridge, crescent shaped eyebrows, scarification roundels by the ears and triangular mouth are all similar to those found on Kuba masks.
Palm wine is a naturally alcoholic beverage that exudes from the core of the raffia palm tree when it is tapped. The liquid is collected in the early morning and late afternoon. Today, palm wine vendors offer this beverage in a plastic cup, but in the 19th and early 20th century Kuba men would purchase a decorated wooden palm wine container for their personal use.

Palm wine is a naturally alcoholic beverage that exudes from the core of the raffia palm tree when it is tapped. The liquid is collected in the early morning and late afternoon. Today, palm wine vendors offer this beverage in a plastic cup, but in the 19th and early 20th century Kuba men would purchase a decorated wooden palm wine container for their personal use.

Democratic Republic of Congo Kuba Peoples Cephalomorphic Ceremonial Palm Wine Cup