Small Blond Carapace of an Amazonian River Turtle ‘Podomis Expansa’
An Unusually Small Blond Carapace of an Amazonian River Turtle ‘Podomis Expansa’
19th Century
Size: 50cm high, 38cm wide - 19¾ ins high, 15 ins wide
Sold: similar shells are now in stock - please contact for details
19th Century
Size: 50cm high, 38cm wide - 19¾ ins high, 15 ins wide
Sold: similar shells are now in stock - please contact for details
‘Podomis Expansa’ is commonly known as the Arrau River Turtle or ‘charapa’ in Brazil. Mature females can grow to be over two feet long and weigh up to a hundred pounds. They are distributed across the entire Amazonian river system of Brazil and beyond. Individuals have been seen washed up on the beaches of Trinidad caused by the Orinoco river in flood. They are entirely herbivorous and share many similarities with sea turtles. They can be just as large when mature and also congregate in considerable numbers to nest in the dry season when the sand banks are exposed.
Small Blond Carapace of an Amazonian River Turtle ‘Podomis Expansa’