Ottoman Turkish Sherbet Spoon
A Fine Ottoman Turkish Sherbet Spoon with an Ebony Bowl and a Relief Carved Coral and Ebony Stem Surmounted by a Large Red Coral Branch Finial
Late 18th Century
Size: 25.5cm long, 5cm wide – 10 ins long, 2 ins wide
Late 18th Century
Size: 25.5cm long, 5cm wide – 10 ins long, 2 ins wide
Topkapi Palace formed the centre of the Ottoman world. For almost four centuries the palace patronised the fine arts producing textiles, jewels, carpets, calligraphy, arms and armour, manuscripts and bookbinding. The palace servants and concubines were recruited from far-flung provinces of the empire and the Ottoman rulers also had a penchant for precious stones and exotic materials and these also imported from distant shores were then used to achieve the most magnificent result possible in the palace workshops. For wealthy Europeans these luxury goods became status symbols whilst in the early 1800’s, from London to Paris, it became the height of fashion to dress ‘í la Turca’.
Ottoman Turkish Sherbet Spoon