Italian Amuletic Pendant made from a Branch of Red Coral Mounted in Silver
An Italian Amuletic Pendant made from a Branch of Red Coral Mounted in Silver
Late 17th Century
Size: 5.5cm long – 2¼ ins long
See: Finch & Co catalogue no. 11, item no. 62, for three 17th Century German hunting amulets
Late 17th Century
Size: 5.5cm long – 2¼ ins long
See: Finch & Co catalogue no. 11, item no. 62, for three 17th Century German hunting amulets
Coral was thought to have great amuletic powers having originated according to Greek mythology as the spurts of blood that had gushed forth when the Medusa’s head was cut off by Perseus. Later it came to be associated with the blood of Christ and his divinity. As a protection against magic spells and the ‘evil eye’ it was believed to be highly efficacious.
Italian Amuletic Pendant made from a Branch of Red Coral Mounted in Silver