Two German Turned ‘Virtuoso’ Ivories
Two German Turned ‘Virtuoso’ Ivories: A Spiked Star Within a Triangle
A Concentric Sphere Containing Numerous Interlocking Balls
Late 17th Century
A: approx: 4cm dia. - 1½ ins dia.
B: approx: 5cm dia. - 2 ins dia.
A Concentric Sphere Containing Numerous Interlocking Balls
Late 17th Century
A: approx: 4cm dia. - 1½ ins dia.
B: approx: 5cm dia. - 2 ins dia.
The Renaissance obsession with perspective and solid geometry gave rise to these carvings where the ambition was to carve one shape inside another as many times as possible. Rudolf II of Prague was so fascinated by the extraordinary and ingenious feats of the Florentine craftsmen in ivory that he began to practise the art himself, and so the tradition of princely and aristocratic ivory turning for pleasure was begun.
Most cabinets of curiosities contained ingenious turned ivory objects. The Dresden collection had over two hundred and the Florentine cabinet contained over three hundred. Ivory carving and turning was popular in the 16th and 17th centuries due to a contemporary obsession with perspective and solid geometry. Renaissance Europe was the perfect time and place for this art form to evolve. Knowledge, novelty and skill for the pleasure of its display combined to make these works of art the ideal objects for the Kunstkammer cabinets of the European princes.
Most cabinets of curiosities contained ingenious turned ivory objects. The Dresden collection had over two hundred and the Florentine cabinet contained over three hundred. Ivory carving and turning was popular in the 16th and 17th centuries due to a contemporary obsession with perspective and solid geometry. Renaissance Europe was the perfect time and place for this art form to evolve. Knowledge, novelty and skill for the pleasure of its display combined to make these works of art the ideal objects for the Kunstkammer cabinets of the European princes.
NOTE: Now Sold
Similar Ivory carvings always required for stock
Similar Ivory carvings always required for stock
Two German Turned ‘Virtuoso’ Ivories