Two Miniature Chinese Carved Rhinoceros Horn Ritual Wine Cups
Two Miniature Chinese Carved Rhinoceros Horn Ritual Wine Cups
Kangxi, Qing Dynasty - late 17th Century
Size: 2cm high, 3.5cm dia. – ¾ ins high, 1¼ ins dia.
Kangxi, Qing Dynasty - late 17th Century
Size: 2cm high, 3.5cm dia. – ¾ ins high, 1¼ ins dia.
From the earliest times the Chinese have known of the existence of the rhinoceros and its legendary horn. For over 2000 years they have fashioned objects from the horn and it is a material that they have always valued more highly than gold. It was Chinese custom to use rhinoceros horn cups for rituals and ceremonies, which were intended to confer long life, and even immortality to the participants. As a nation they have also been accustomed to drink wine from small round cups without handles for many centuries and even today they continue to do so.
Two Miniature Chinese Carved Rhinoceros Horn Ritual Wine Cups