Sri Lankan Kandy Period Carved Ivory Figure of the Buddha Shakyamuni
A Sri Lankan Kandy Period Carved Ivory Figure of the Buddha Shakyamuni
Some damage to feet and top of ceremonial fan
18th Century
Size: 11cm high, 4.5cm wide, 2.5cm deep – 4¼ ins high, 1¾ ins wide, 1 ins deep
Some damage to feet and top of ceremonial fan
18th Century
Size: 11cm high, 4.5cm wide, 2.5cm deep – 4¼ ins high, 1¾ ins wide, 1 ins deep
For the Portuguese, and all the other foreigners who visited or aimed to dominate the Island before and after them, Ceylon and its surrounding sea were a treasure trove, a ‘gift from a divine hand’ as Jorge Pinto de Azevedo said to his King, Joáo IV in 1646. The Island’s resources included precious stones, rock crystal, ivory and ambergris, bezoar stones, pearls and coconuts; all raw materials used to produce some of the most outstanding precious objects known in the West, and that are still to be found in famous cabinets of curiosities.
This ivory figure epitomises the traditional conservative Sri Lankan Kandyan sculptural image of the Buddha with its rigid stance, solid body mass and rippling design of the robe.
This ivory figure epitomises the traditional conservative Sri Lankan Kandyan sculptural image of the Buddha with its rigid stance, solid body mass and rippling design of the robe.
Sri Lankan Kandy Period Carved Ivory Figure of the Buddha Shakyamuni