English Piqué Worked Ivory Handled Carving or Butchers Steel
An English Piqué Worked Ivory Handled Carving or Butchers Steel
With the name ‘Richard Stone’ and the date ‘1753’
Mid 18th Century
Size: 37cm long – 14½ ins long
With the name ‘Richard Stone’ and the date ‘1753’
Mid 18th Century
Size: 37cm long – 14½ ins long
Carving tools and their associated implements were very much on show in the huge spectacle of a feast, the carver working closely with a ‘sewer’ whose task was to arrange and serve the various dishes at the high table. This required a thorough working knowledge of the order of service and the correct sauce for each dish.
Butchers knives and steels were important and expensive tools of their lucrative trade. Their knowledge of the preparation and different cuts of all types of meat and game had to be extensive. Before the 18th century they were regarded as important members of household kitchen staff who also acted as carvers at table.
Butchers knives and steels were important and expensive tools of their lucrative trade. Their knowledge of the preparation and different cuts of all types of meat and game had to be extensive. Before the 18th century they were regarded as important members of household kitchen staff who also acted as carvers at table.
English Piqué Worked Ivory Handled Carving or Butchers Steel