Unusual Set of Three Sailors Scrimshaw Gambling Dice
An Unusual Set of Three Sailors Scrimshaw Gambling Dice
Carved from a Sperm Whale tooth, the designs including hearts, clubs, spades, crowns, anchors, the compass rose and pseudo-armorials, inlaid with pitch and red wax
Early 19th Century
Size: approx: 2.5cm square – 1 ins square
Carved from a Sperm Whale tooth, the designs including hearts, clubs, spades, crowns, anchors, the compass rose and pseudo-armorials, inlaid with pitch and red wax
Early 19th Century
Size: approx: 2.5cm square – 1 ins square
The time for recreation on a 19th century whaleship was the second dogwatch that ran from six to eight o’clock in the evening. Boxing was discouraged by the captains, but scrimshandering, dominoes, dice, backgammon, card games, cribbage and chess were not. The stakes for seamen playing such games and using the dice were usually tobacco.
Unusual Dice always wanted - please contact with details
Unusual Set of Three Sailors Scrimshaw Gambling Dice