Sri Lankan Kandy Period Heavy Bronze of the Buddha Shakyamuni
A Gilded Sri Lankan Kandy Period Heavy Bronze of the Buddha Shakyamuni
Left hand, forearm and the feet now lost
18th Century
Size: 23.5cm high – 9¼ ins high
Left hand, forearm and the feet now lost
18th Century
Size: 23.5cm high – 9¼ ins high
The Buddhist faith witnessed a revival during the 18th century in Sri Lanka under the reign of Kirti Sri Rajasimha (1747-82) during which time both bronze and ivory images of the Buddha shakyamuni were made to satisfy an increasing demand. The rigid stance and solid body mass of this figure continues the traditional conservative Sri Lankan image of the Buddha, but a particular element of kandyan sculptural representations is the rippling design of the robe. The dense undulating diagonals give the impression of falling water and considerably enhance the garments sense of volume and relay the impression of a transient floating image.
Sri Lankan Kandy Period Heavy Bronze of the Buddha Shakyamuni