English Recusant’s Walking Cane
An Interesting English Recusant’s Walking Cane
The Malacca shaft terminating with a brass top decorated with cherub’s heads and a frieze set with the head of Charles I
Late 17th – early 18th Century
Size: 92cm long – 36¼ ins long
The Malacca shaft terminating with a brass top decorated with cherub’s heads and a frieze set with the head of Charles I
Late 17th – early 18th Century
Size: 92cm long – 36¼ ins long
Recusants were usually Roman Catholics who refused to attend Anglican Church services from the 16th century onward. Fines were imposed upon them by Acts of Uniformity, but Charles I was particularly mild in his policy towards ‘non-conformists’. After the execution and death of Charles I in 1648 they became huge supporters of the exiled Royal House of Stuart and the Jacobite cause. The Jacobites took their name from ‘Jacobus’ the Latin name for James II who had been deprived of his throne in 1688 by the protestant King William of Orange. The Jacobites were politically important between 1688 and 1745 with many secret clubs and societies being formed. Their strength lay among the highland clans of Scotland whose loyalty was personal, and their weakness was that Jacobinism failed to win over the Tories in England who might have made it a more powerful and dangerous movement.
English Recusant’s Walking Cane