Spanish Jet Faceted Octagonal Silver Mounted Amuletic Pendant
A Rare and Curious Large Spanish Jet Faceted Octagonal Silver Mounted Amuletic
Polished to act as a multiple image mirror
Early 17th Century
Size: 8.5cm high, 7cm dia. (max) – 3¼ ins high, 2¾ ins dia. (max)
Polished to act as a multiple image mirror
Early 17th Century
Size: 8.5cm high, 7cm dia. (max) – 3¼ ins high, 2¾ ins dia. (max)
The possession of such an amulet as this magnificent and extraordinary jet pendant would give the owner the advantage of permanent protection from the ‘evil eye’, and this was not dependent on his being conscious of any impending danger. Jet was believed to be a specific against a wide range of evils including witchcraft and so amulets made from it had enhanced apotropaic powers.
Spanish Jet Faceted Octagonal Silver Mounted Amuletic Pendant