A Superb and Large Burmese Carved Ivory Handle Depicting a Kala or Monster
A Superb and Large Burmese Carved Ivory Handle Depicting a Kala or Monster
With a floral decorated silver collar
Early 19th Century
Size: 16cm high, 6.5cm deep, 5cm wide – 6¼ ins high, 2½ ins deep, 2 ins wide
With a floral decorated silver collar
Early 19th Century
Size: 16cm high, 6.5cm deep, 5cm wide – 6¼ ins high, 2½ ins deep, 2 ins wide
There are many types of Indonesian Kris hilts inspired by animal, bird, divine or human figures which are portrayed both naturalistically and in an abstract way. They can be carved from deer horn, elephant ivory or elephant teeth, or made from wood or metal. With its implications of potency the Kris occupies a unique position in Indonesian society and belief. Many Kris are reputed to have the power to warn their owners of impending disaster. Certainly the Kris was a symbol of the power and spiritual qualities of a ruler, and was thought to be his personal representative, which accounts for the importance of Kris in Royal collections.
Traditionally a Kris should not be bought, but gifted or inherited. However sometimes a new owner of a Kris will make a new grip or sheath thus few blades, which are more durable than the hilt, are today assembled with their original fittings.
Traditionally a Kris should not be bought, but gifted or inherited. However sometimes a new owner of a Kris will make a new grip or sheath thus few blades, which are more durable than the hilt, are today assembled with their original fittings.
A Superb and Large Burmese Carved Ivory Handle Depicting a Kala or Monster