Three Central American Republic of Panama, Choco Indian Shaman’s Carved Wooden Medicinal Effigy Staffs
Three Central American Republic of Panama, Choco Indian Shaman’s Carved Wooden
Medicinal Effigy Staffs
All inscribed ‘Manane – Darien – Panama. Choco 6/24/69’
Early 20th Century
Sizes: a 43cm long – 17 ins long
b 35cm long – 13¾ ins long
c 31cm long – 12¼ ins long
d 23cm long – 9 ins long
Medicinal Effigy Staffs
All inscribed ‘Manane – Darien – Panama. Choco 6/24/69’
Early 20th Century
Sizes: a 43cm long – 17 ins long
b 35cm long – 13¾ ins long
c 31cm long – 12¼ ins long
d 23cm long – 9 ins long
The Choco Indians live in the Darien jungle on both sides of the Panamanian frontier with Colombia. The Choco believe that their shaman are born with innate supernatural powers giving them an ability to peer into the world of the spirit and to divine the causes of a person’s sickness. These finely carved effigy staffs were important ritual healing tools used by the shaman to purge illness. The staffs are often referred to by the shaman as their ‘helpers’ as they figure prominently in both medicinal curing and chants.
Three Central American Republic of Panama, Choco Indian Shaman’s Carved Wooden Medicinal Effigy Staffs