A Native American Winnebago, Wisconsin Beaded Drawstring Pouch

A Native American Winnebago, Wisconsin Beaded Drawstring Pouch
With old label reading ‘Tobacco pouch owned by a Winnebago Indian’ with ‘A Shute Nuneaton’ to the reverse
Glass beads, buckskin, red stroud, trade cloth and sinew
Circa 1850
Size : 17 cm high, 11.5 cm wide – 6¾ ins high, 4½ ins wide
The open line beadwork on this pouch is a continuation of a rigidly symmetrical style executed in quillwork until the 1830’s. Both in quillwork and in beads this style was utilized by several tribes in the Winsconsin area until the 1860’s when bolder and more colourful designs became more popular.

A Native American Winnebago, Wisconsin Beaded Drawstring Pouch

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