An Ancient Egyptian Painted Wood Panel Fragment from a Box Coffin
An Ancient Egyptian Painted Wood Panel Fragment from a Box Coffin
Late 25th Dynasty – 700 BC
Size : 18 cm high, 8.5 cm wide – 7 ins high, 3¼ ins wide
Late 25th Dynasty – 700 BC
Size : 18 cm high, 8.5 cm wide – 7 ins high, 3¼ ins wide
This panel is most probably from a private burial. The painted Hieroglyphs form part of a spell from one of the ‘coffin texts’ designed to protect the deceased and facilitate safe passage to the underworld. The coffin texts consist of over 1000 spells, many being derived from the earlier old Kingdom ‘Pyramid Texts’ and were intended to provide a guarantee of survival in the after world. They have obvious self explanatory titles such as ‘not to rot and not to do work in the kingdom of the dead’.
An Ancient Egyptian Painted Wood Panel Fragment from a Box Coffin