A Fine Woodlands Native North American Ojibwa or Winnebago Bandoleer Bag
A Fine Woodlands Native North American Ojibwa or Winnebago Bandoleer Bag
Wool, fabric and yarn, trade cloth and glass beads (two tassles lacking)
Circa 1870 – 1875
Size : 103 cm long, 34 cm wide – 40½ ins long, 13½ ins wide
Wool, fabric and yarn, trade cloth and glass beads (two tassles lacking)
Circa 1870 – 1875
Size : 103 cm long, 34 cm wide – 40½ ins long, 13½ ins wide
The Native American artisans initially believed European cloth, metal and beads contained magical properties giving them a kind of inherent spirit helper status. The Ojibwa called the spiritual power residing in nature ‘Manitou’ and their word for glass beads means ‘manitou berry’. Of all the new European trade goods glass beads were the most avidly sought after and they provided an ideal means of expanding the ancient northern tradition of garment ornamentation.
A Fine Woodlands Native North American Ojibwa or Winnebago Bandoleer Bag