An amusing erotic ivory carving of a monk
An amusing erotic ivory carving of a monk with a large phallus
His bible painted with the words 'Look Under My Book'
Late 18th - Early 19th century
Size : 7 cm high
2¾ ins high
His bible painted with the words 'Look Under My Book'
Late 18th - Early 19th century
Size : 7 cm high
2¾ ins high
The trap door in the monk's habit is operated by means of string which when pulled reveals all !
These erotic ivory figures are more usually French, ofetn originating from the workshops of Dieppe, this carefully constructed English model was probably made as a statement against 'popery'.
These erotic ivory figures are more usually French, ofetn originating from the workshops of Dieppe, this carefully constructed English model was probably made as a statement against 'popery'.
An amusing erotic ivory carving of a monk