A Rare Fossilised Skeleton of a Neusticosaurus, a Marine Aquatic Dinosaur
A Rare Fossilised Skeleton of a Neusticosaurus, a Marine Aquatic Dinosaur
Living in the mid to late Triassic period
Approx. 250 – 203 Million Years Old
Size : 16cm high, 25 cm wide, 1.5 cm deep – 6¼ ins high, 9¾ ins wide, ½ ins deep
Living in the mid to late Triassic period
Approx. 250 – 203 Million Years Old
Size : 16cm high, 25 cm wide, 1.5 cm deep – 6¼ ins high, 9¾ ins wide, ½ ins deep
The Sauropterygians were a group of marine reptiles that evolved during the Triassic. The most famous members of the group were the Plesiosaurs. Neusticosaurus was a small amphibious predatory Sauropterygian that lived in the shallow seas of Triassic Europe where it hunted invertebrates and fish. Fossils of babies preserved without eggshells suggest that these reptiles may have given birth to live young.
The small lightly built skull, its long slender body, short limbs, and the streamlining and simplification of its upper limb bones show its preference for living in water.
The small lightly built skull, its long slender body, short limbs, and the streamlining and simplification of its upper limb bones show its preference for living in water.
A Rare Fossilised Skeleton of a Neusticosaurus, a Marine Aquatic Dinosaur