An English Medieval Limestone Carving of Six Heads

An English Medieval Limestone Carving of Six Heads , probably depicting the earlier Kings of England . From a tomb – chest or a monumental canopy
13 th – 14 th Century
Size : 7.5 cm high , 11 cm wide , 7 cm deep – 3 ins high , 4¼ ins wide , 2¾ ins deep
Tomb chests when first made presented a totally different spectacle from the restrained effect conveyed today . The zeal of religious iconoclasts and the carelessness of church users over the centuries have resulted incomplete sets of figures on many tomb chests and denuded others altogether of their weepers , angels , saints and figures .
The basic motif employed on tomb chests from their beginnings was the quatrefoil which like arcading soon received additional decorative features , the earliest being heads and figures . (See ; the early 13 th century monuments in Canterbury and Rochester cathedrals , and also that of Bishop Godfrey Giffard ( died 1302 ) in Worcester cathedral .)
In addition to tomb chests 13 th century monumental canopies also included within their richly carved decoration animals and human heads and sometimes they were carved with scenes from the deceased's life in the spandrels over the main arches . (See ; the monument to Bishop Giles Bridport ( died 1262 ) Salisbury cathedral .)

An English Medieval Limestone Carving of Six Heads

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