Two Sets of Tibetan Mantra Rosary Beads

Two Sets of Tibetan Mantra Rosary Beads made of sacred ‘Rudra’ fruits , with an old vellum label reading : ‘Tenga , Thibetan Rosary . Made of fruits of the “Rudra” ; a sacred plant ; single fruits are used as charms and carried around the neck in silver cases . From a Lepcha , Mungpu , Sikkim India 1905’
Late 19 th Century
Size : 61 cm long – 24 ins long
147 cm long – 58 ins long
Every Tantric Sadhana , or daily meditation practice , includes a phase involving mantra recitation and the rosary is used as a counter . The practitioner commits himself to reciting a number of 'rounds' of mantras each day and the beads are used to count these .
In formal Buddhist monastic retreats the meditator determines to complete hundreds of thousands and sometimes even millions of mantra recitations in order to achieve a higher spiritual plane .

Two Sets of Tibetan Mantra Rosary Beads

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