A Samurai Archer’s Glove (Mitsugake) 三つ弽
A Samurai Archer’s Glove (Mitsugake) 三つ弽
Deer leather, material, ink
Edo Period / 1603 - 1868
SIZE: 25cm long - 9¾ ins long
Deer leather, material, ink
Edo Period / 1603 - 1868
SIZE: 25cm long - 9¾ ins long
A Samurai Archer’s Glove (Mitsugake) 三つ弽
Deer leather, material, ink
Edo Period / 1603 - 1868
SIZE: 25cm long - 9¾ ins long
Deer leather, material, ink
Edo Period / 1603 - 1868
SIZE: 25cm long - 9¾ ins long
note: For a Japanese table scroll, detailing a very similar glove, lying next to a bow see: (photograph) by Yoshizo Shibahara, from a private collection.
A rare survival, we are fortunate to have an ink inscription inside the glove allowing us to date the glove to 1683 寿永二年, together with the workshop where it was made: 〇武具店, O-armor. Kyūdō or ‘Kyūjutsu’ (the name used prior to 1919) was the martial art of archery within the ‘Samurai’ class of feudal Japan. The first ‘asymmetrical’ longbow recorded in Japan dates to the Yayoi period (circa 500 BC to 300 AD).
A rare survival, we are fortunate to have an ink inscription inside the glove allowing us to date the glove to 1683 寿永二年, together with the workshop where it was made: 〇武具店, O-armor. Kyūdō or ‘Kyūjutsu’ (the name used prior to 1919) was the martial art of archery within the ‘Samurai’ class of feudal Japan. The first ‘asymmetrical’ longbow recorded in Japan dates to the Yayoi period (circa 500 BC to 300 AD).
Ex Private collection
A Samurai Archer’s Glove (Mitsugake) 三つ弽