A Rare Large African Wicker Pipe

A Rare Large African Wicker Pipe 
Wicker, Terracotta (fired clay) 
Zaire, Ngbandi 
19th Century 

SIZE: 16cm high, 38cm wide, 7cm deep - 6¼ ins high, 15 ins wide, 2¾ ins deep 
A Rare Large African Wicker Pipe 
Wicker, Terracotta (fired clay) 
Zaire, Ngbandi 
19th Century 

SIZE: 16cm high, 38cm wide, 7cm deep - 6¼ ins high, 15 ins wide, 2¾ ins deep 
The ‘Ngbandi’ are an ethic group from the region of the upper Ubangi River, inhabiting the northern Democratic Republic of the Congo and the southern central African republic. The carefully braided ‘outer’ case protects the user whilst smoking the burning tobacco inside the ‘terracotta’ (clay) inner pipe. A fine patina and colour have developed on the wicker surface. 
A very similar pipe is housed in the Royal Museum for Central Africa, Tervuren, Belgium, Mus. Terv. 37.975  

A Rare Large African Wicker Pipe

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+44 (0)7836 684133

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