Ancient Egyptian Painted Wooden Sarcophagus Fragment
An Ancient Egyptian Painted Wooden Sarcophagus Fragment Divided into Registers showing different scenes and divine motifs in a variety of colours on a bright yellow ground including seated Pharonic figures Anubis the Jackal and a Winged Scarab Beetle
Third Intermediate Period 1050 - 730BC
Size: 53.5cm long, 13.5cm wide, 2cm deep - 21 ins long, 5¼ ins wide, ¾ ins deep
Third Intermediate Period 1050 - 730BC
Size: 53.5cm long, 13.5cm wide, 2cm deep - 21 ins long, 5¼ ins wide, ¾ ins deep
The 3rd intermediate period was a time of political disruption and turmoil in ancient Egypt, but artistic standards did not suffer. At Thebes there was a change in burial practices that resulted in the abandonment of the decorated tomb chapel, so that the visual expression of funerary beliefs that was once a great feature of the walls, was transferred to the coffins that enclosed the deceased, and accompanying items such as funerary papyri and painted wooden stelae. Without doubt, some of the most remarkable artistic products of this period were the brightly painted coffins whose interior and exterior designs illustrating aspects of the underworld and divine protection form some of the best examples of the painter’s art in ancient Egypt.
Ancient Egyptian Painted Wooden Sarcophagus Fragment