28. A Heavily Tukula Encrusted Female Ibeji Carved with Four Scarification Marks on each Cheek
A Heavily Tukula Encrusted Female Ibeji Carved with Four Scarification Marks on each Cheek
Traces of Rekitts Blue in her hair wearing large blue and red glass beads around her neck and waist and bracelets of smaller beads
Late 19th – Early 20th Century
Ijebu / Egba Borderland
Size: 26cms high – 10¼ ins high
A Heavily Tukula Encrusted Female Ibeji Carved with Four Scarification Marks on each Cheek
Traces of Rekitts Blue in her hair wearing large blue and red glass beads around her neck and waist and bracelets of smaller beads
Late 19th – Early 20th Century
Ijebu / Egba Borderland
Size: 26cms high – 10¼ ins high
Finch and Co
IBEJI 2016
IBEJI 2016
28. A Heavily Tukula Encrusted Female Ibeji Carved with Four Scarification Marks on each Cheek