Ancient Egyptian Mummified Body of a Hawk
An Ancient Egyptian Mummified Body of a Hawk Sacred to the God Horus
contained in a Victorian wooden case
An old paper label to the reverse: ‘Mummified Hawk from a Tomb in the Valley of the Kings near Thebes about 5000 BC’
Late Dynastic Period / 747 – 332BC
Size: case: 8.5cm high, 30.5cm wide, 21cm deep - 3¼ ins high, 12 ins wide, 8¼ ins deep
contained in a Victorian wooden case
An old paper label to the reverse: ‘Mummified Hawk from a Tomb in the Valley of the Kings near Thebes about 5000 BC’
Late Dynastic Period / 747 – 332BC
Size: case: 8.5cm high, 30.5cm wide, 21cm deep - 3¼ ins high, 12 ins wide, 8¼ ins deep
During the late Dynastic Period in ancient Egypt a catacomb was constructed at Saggara specifically for mummified hawks sacred to Horus. Recent examination of a number of these mummies has shown them to comprise a number of different types of birds of prey. The Horus-falcon image may therefore have been regarded as interchangeable with a whole range of other birds of prey.
Ancient Egyptian Mummified Body of a Hawk