Sailors Scrimshaw Whalebone Walking Cane the Handle Carved from a Sperm Whale Tooth

A Sailors Scrimshaw Whalebone Walking Cane the Handle Carved from a Sperm Whale Tooth
American or English
Mid 19th Century
Size: 88cm long - 34¾ ins long
NOTES Regarding Shipping: This cane can be legally imported to the USA together with the appropriate CITES export certificate
Please contact for details and shipping quotes
Some of the shafts of whalebone walking canes are carved or engraved in spirals or diamond shapes. As described by Frank T Bullen in his ‘The Cruise of the Cachalot’ 1899: …‘our carpenter was a famous workman at ‘scrimshaw’ and he started half a dozen walking sticks forthwith. A favourite design is to carve the bone into the similitude of rope, with ‘worming’ of smaller line along its lays. A handle is carved out of the whale’s tooth and insets of baleen, silver, cocoa tree or ebony, give variety and finish’.

Sailors Scrimshaw Whalebone Walking Cane the Handle Carved from a Sperm Whale Tooth

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