Egyptian Carved Wooden Foot from a Statue of a Tomb Guardian
An Ancient Egyptian Carved Wooden Foot from a Statue of a Tomb Guardian Probably Sycamore
New Kingdom 1550 – 1069BC
Size: 5.5cm high, 6.5cm deep, 3cm wide – 2¼ ins high, 2½ ins deep, 1¼ ins wide
New Kingdom 1550 – 1069BC
Size: 5.5cm high, 6.5cm deep, 3cm wide – 2¼ ins high, 2½ ins deep, 1¼ ins wide
Despite the fertility of the Nile valley timber was always a precious commodity in ancient Egypt. Many trees were grown for their fruit such as the date palm and fig, but they were also used for building and the construction of furniture. The tamarisk and the sycamore fig were both widely used for the making of coffins as well as for carving into statuary. Ash was sometimes used for weapons, particularly those requiring flexibility. The finest wood used by the Egyptians was imported cedar from the Lebanon and this was much used for making the very best coffins.
Egyptian Carved Wooden Foot from a Statue of a Tomb Guardian