English Carved Marine Ivory Barrel Shaped Gaming Dice
An Unusual English Carved Marine Ivory Barrel Shaped Gaming Dice with black, red and blue inlaid markers ranging from two to twelve in number, probably for the game of Hazard
Mid 19th Century
Size: 2.5cm wide, 2.5cm dia. – 1 ins wide, 1 ins dia.
Mid 19th Century
Size: 2.5cm wide, 2.5cm dia. – 1 ins wide, 1 ins dia.
A revision of the British Naval Regulations in 1808 charged officers on board ship to set examples of morality and to prevent ‘drunkenness, gaming, rioting and quarrelling’. However, sailors found cards, checkers, chess, hazard, crown & anchor and chance all games that were easily played in the confined and cramped spaces below decks, and to further prevent boredom many of these games would be wagered on.
Unusual Dice always wanted - please contact with details
English Carved Marine Ivory Barrel Shaped Gaming Dice