South East Asian Thai Bronze Hand from a Figure of a Seated Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara
A Fine South East Asian Thai Bronze Hand from a Figure of a Seated Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara Traces of thick red and black lacquer and gilt decoration
Old smooth polished patina to the bronze hand
14th Century
Size: 19cm high, 5cm wide, 22cm deep – 7½ ins high, 2 ins wide, 8½ ins deep
Old smooth polished patina to the bronze hand
14th Century
Size: 19cm high, 5cm wide, 22cm deep – 7½ ins high, 2 ins wide, 8½ ins deep
Avalokiteshvara, ‘the lord who looks in every direction’ is one of the most important Bodhisattvas. He embodies compassion and responds instantly to all whom ‘with all their mind call on his name’. The long delicate fingers of the elongated hand are shown in the gesture of the Varada Mudra symbolizing charity and compassion and the statue was once lacquered and gilded in the graceful Sukhoithai tradition. The poise and balance shown in the finely clothed arm and outstretched hand display an enchanting beauty.
South East Asian Thai Bronze Hand from a Figure of a Seated Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara