English Green Shagreen and Silver Tripartite Stand Containing Three Original Stoppered Glass Perfume Bottles
An English Green Shagreen and Silver Tripartite Stand Containing Three Original Stoppered Glass Perfume Bottles complete with their silver lids
Mid 18th Century
Size: 7.5cm high, 6cm wide, 6.5cm deep – 3 ins high, 2¼ ins wide, 2½ ins deep
Mid 18th Century
Size: 7.5cm high, 6cm wide, 6.5cm deep – 3 ins high, 2¼ ins wide, 2½ ins deep
The word perfume comes from the Latin 'perfumum' meaning 'by smoke' as the earliest use of aromatic substances was as incense burnt as an offering in a religious ritual. Hippocrates wrote of the use of aromatic fumigation in preventing contagion and later, Arab doctors used perfumed substances to treat patients and to scent their own garments. However, by the late 17th century perfumes were valued more for their cosmetic than their medicinal properties and the art of the perfumer flourished.
English Green Shagreen and Silver Tripartite Stand Containing Three Original Stoppered Glass Perfume Bottles