Northern Thailand or Laotian Carved Rhinoceros Horn Images of the Buddha
Two Rare and Unusual Northern Thailand or Laotian Carved Rhinoceros Horn Images of the Buddha
One with a dry weathered and desiccated surface the other with an old smooth mellow patina
19th Century
Size: a 18.5cm high – 7¼ ins high
b 16.5cm high – 6½ ins high
One with a dry weathered and desiccated surface the other with an old smooth mellow patina
19th Century
Size: a 18.5cm high – 7¼ ins high
b 16.5cm high – 6½ ins high
Bronze, terracotta and stucco are the most commonly employed materials for northern Thai images of the Buddha with bronze and wood being used in Laos, but other materials were more rarely and occasionally utilized including precious ones such as rock crystal, jadite, silver, gold and as in these examples rhinoceros horn. These small images were intended for Buddhist devotion and were perhaps placed in niches in a private shrine or temple.
Northern Thailand or Laotian Carved Rhinoceros Horn Images of the Buddha