Victorian Glass Framed Roundel Containing the Teeth of a Puff Adder ‘Bitis Arietans’
A Victorian Glass Framed Roundel Containing the Teeth of a Puff Adder ‘Bitis Arietans’
Late 19th Century
Size: 15cm dia. – 6 ins dia.
Late 19th Century
Size: 15cm dia. – 6 ins dia.
The Puff Adder lives up to its name by swelling up like a long balloon when angry. They are large and heavily built averaging 3 or 4 feet (1 or 1.2 metres) in length. Their powerful venom is said to have been used in hunting. In Africa large snakes were caught and tied along game trails, their fatal bite bringing down animals as big as Cape buffalo.
Victorian Glass Framed Roundel Containing the Teeth of a Puff Adder ‘Bitis Arietans’