Indian Bronze of the Hindu Elephant God Ganeśh
An Indian Bronze of the Hindu Elephant God Ganeśh
Seated with his rat, symbol of his ability to overcome obstacles
Early 19th Century
Size: 19cm high, 13.5cm wide, 9cm deep – 7½ ins high, 5¼ ins wide, 3½ ins deep
Seated with his rat, symbol of his ability to overcome obstacles
Early 19th Century
Size: 19cm high, 13.5cm wide, 9cm deep – 7½ ins high, 5¼ ins wide, 3½ ins deep
Ganeśh is the Hindu elephant headed God of wisdom and good fortune. Since early medieval times Ganeśh has been one of the most popular Hindu Gods. He is invoked before all undertakings from religious ceremonies, excluding funerals, to written compositions and even before the worship of other deities. A few sects worship him exclusively and although his origins maybe that of a tutelary village deity, today all sects claim him as their own.
Indian Bronze of the Hindu Elephant God Ganeśh