Fossil Remains of an Ichthyosaurus Platodon

The Rare Fossil Remains of an Ichthyosaurus Platodon
Found at Lyme Regis, Dorset, in blue lias in the 19th Century
Early Jurassic – approx: 200 million years old
Size: 33cm long – 13 ins long (max)
Mary Anning and her spaniel dog are famously credited with finding the first skeleton of an Ichthyosaur on the under-cliff at Lyme Regis on the south-west coast of England. This skeleton was purchased by Sir Everard Home for £23 in 1821, but as word of this amazing prehistoric creature spread prices soared and four years later another specimen was auctioned off for £150, with an Ichthyosaur femur fetching £10.

Fossil Remains of an Ichthyosaurus Platodon

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