A Victorian Specimen of a Southern African Temmincks Pangolin
A Victorian Specimen of a Southern African Temmincks Pangolin
19th Century
Size: 13cm high, 64cm long – 5 ins high, 25 ins long
19th Century
Size: 13cm high, 64cm long – 5 ins high, 25 ins long
The Pangolins curious covering of bony overlapping scales acts as both body armour and as camouflage. The overlapping scales are moveable and hard edged and are probably developed from modified hairs like the horn of a Rhinoceros. Pangolins lack teeth, but have an extremely long protrusible tongue in an elongated head, which is used to catch its insect prey. Its food is ground down in a muscular horny surfaced stomach.
A Victorian Specimen of a Southern African Temmincks Pangolin