A Central Tibetan Gilt Copper and Copper Alloy Figure of the Buddha
A Central Tibetan Gilt Copper and Copper Alloy Figure of the Buddha, Amitabha
Seated on a lotus throne. The base plate marked with auspicious emblems
18th Century
Size: 11cm high – 4¼ ins high
Seated on a lotus throne. The base plate marked with auspicious emblems
18th Century
Size: 11cm high – 4¼ ins high
The Tibetan people perceive their country as a sacred cosmos, a holy landscape guarded by mighty God’s and filled with centres of ritual and mystical power. Within this landscape every natural feature, every building and every deed is charged with religious significance. Mountains are often the seats of awe inspiring deities, their caves places for meditation and their winding trails emblematic of the path to enlightenment. By marking the landscape with cairns, inscriptions, rock paintings, banners and votive offerings, Tibetans perpetually reinvent their world, reaffirming the lives of the ancient saints and sages whose heroic acts infused the universe with potent spiritual meaning.
Tibetan images are considered to be living embodiments of deities. Offerings of food, water, music, fine perfumes, incense, scarves of luxurious silk and finally candlelight, are made everyday to the Buddha’s. This particular figure represents Amitabha (or Amitayus) the ‘Buddha of infinite life’.
Tibetan images are considered to be living embodiments of deities. Offerings of food, water, music, fine perfumes, incense, scarves of luxurious silk and finally candlelight, are made everyday to the Buddha’s. This particular figure represents Amitabha (or Amitayus) the ‘Buddha of infinite life’.
A Central Tibetan Gilt Copper and Copper Alloy Figure of the Buddha