Three whalebone harpoon heads from the Indians of Tierra Del Fuego
Three whalebone harpoon heads from the Indians of Tierra Del Fuego
Size: 36cm, 30cm & 18.5cm long
Size: 36cm, 30cm & 18.5cm long
Tierra Del Fuego was visited by Cook's ships on his first and second
voyages. In 1769 Alexander Buchan painted his gouache of 'The
Inhabitants of the Island of Terra Del Fuego in their hut'.
On 21st December 1775 Cook again anchored in Christmas Harbour off
Tierra Del Fuego and Hodges drew his famous depiction of 'Man in
Christmas Sound', now lost.
These whalebone harpoons were used to catch seals, penguins and fish.
voyages. In 1769 Alexander Buchan painted his gouache of 'The
Inhabitants of the Island of Terra Del Fuego in their hut'.
On 21st December 1775 Cook again anchored in Christmas Harbour off
Tierra Del Fuego and Hodges drew his famous depiction of 'Man in
Christmas Sound', now lost.
These whalebone harpoons were used to catch seals, penguins and fish.
Three whalebone harpoon heads from the Indians of Tierra Del Fuego