An Ancient Roman marble column base depicting a panther with a bunch of grapes and pan pipes. Inscribed in Roman lettering 'Bonus Beni' (Good Luck)
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An Ancient Roman marble column base depicting a panther with a bunch
of grapes and pan pipes. Inscribed in Roman lettering 'Bonus Beni'
(Good Luck)
Size: 20cm high x 30xm wide x 24cm deep
An Ancient Roman marble column base depicting a panther with a bunch
of grapes and pan pipes. Inscribed in Roman lettering 'Bonus Beni'
(Good Luck)
Size: 20cm high x 30xm wide x 24cm deep
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The Earl of Arundel was the first to bring a significant collection of
antique marbles back to England in the early 17th century, but
following the sensational discoveries as Herculaneum in 1738 and
Pompeii in 1748 few Englishmen on the Grand Tour could resist acquiring
antique marbles, mosaics etc both as souvenirs and as a testimony of
their superior taste in the arts.
This marble has a brass plaque on the reverse inscribed 'Bought in Rome
1902', evidence that the belief in the necessity of the Grand Tour for
the education and finishing of aristocratic gentlemen persisted well up
until the 1914-18 war.
It has probably come from a temple dedicated to the God Pan as his
attributes of the panther, grapes and pipes are depicted in the carved
frieze, as is his motto 'Bonus Beni'.
The Earl of Arundel was the first to bring a significant collection of
antique marbles back to England in the early 17th century, but
following the sensational discoveries as Herculaneum in 1738 and
Pompeii in 1748 few Englishmen on the Grand Tour could resist acquiring
antique marbles, mosaics etc both as souvenirs and as a testimony of
their superior taste in the arts.
This marble has a brass plaque on the reverse inscribed 'Bought in Rome
1902', evidence that the belief in the necessity of the Grand Tour for
the education and finishing of aristocratic gentlemen persisted well up
until the 1914-18 war.
It has probably come from a temple dedicated to the God Pan as his
attributes of the panther, grapes and pipes are depicted in the carved
frieze, as is his motto 'Bonus Beni'.
An Ancient Roman marble column base depicting a panther with a bunch of grapes and pan pipes. Inscribed in Roman lettering 'Bonus Beni' (Good Luck)