An Indian, Probably Mughal, Steel Elephant Leg Restraint
An Indian, Probably Mughal, Steel Elephant Leg Restraint with Turned Mahogany
Late 18th – early 19th Century
Size : 87.5 cm long, 35.5 cm dia. – 34½ ins long, 14 ins dia.
Late 18th – early 19th Century
Size : 87.5 cm long, 35.5 cm dia. – 34½ ins long, 14 ins dia.
Elephants were used as shock troops in India from early historic times and featured largely in the Mughal armies of the 16th and early 17th centuries. They were even occasionally provided with armour and with swords of iron which were attached to the sewn off tusks of the elephant.
'Mahouts', trained their elephants to be perfectly obedient in both war and peace and would have used leg restraints to keep the un-mounted elephant still.
'Mahouts', trained their elephants to be perfectly obedient in both war and peace and would have used leg restraints to keep the un-mounted elephant still.
An Indian, Probably Mughal, Steel Elephant Leg Restraint