A Fine Pair of Ancient Apulian, Greek South Italy, Skypos decorated with owls
A Fine Pair of Ancient Apulian, Greek South Italy, Skypos decorated with owls
Good original condition with a lustrous metallic glaze
6th Century B.C
Size : 7 cm high, 14.5 cm wide – 2¾ ins high, 5¾ ins wide
Good original condition with a lustrous metallic glaze
6th Century B.C
Size : 7 cm high, 14.5 cm wide – 2¾ ins high, 5¾ ins wide
The finely painted pottery of the Etruscans was produced with the combination of both native and expatriate Greek and Levantine specialists. These mixed sources of inspiration combined with the colonists, and promoted by their wealth, resulted in a uniquely 'South Italian', art.
A Fine Pair of Ancient Apulian, Greek South Italy, Skypos decorated with owls