An English Bronze bust of a Man as Africa
An English Bronze bust of a man as Africa
Circa 1800-1820
Size : 23 cm high
Circa 1800-1820
Size : 23 cm high
Africans were fist brought to Britain in 1555 and by the 18th Century they were familiar figures in English society. However their depiction in art in the early 19th century still served to give them a sense of exoticism. Sculpture often portrayed them as the personification of the Continent of Africa, America or the Indies.
By the end of the 18th century the anti-slavery society was becoming influential and the notion of the free spirited noble savage was gaining currency and contributing to the developing abolitionist case.
Artists began to portray a more powerful and positive, but somewhat romantic image of black people, and this image was not yet tainted with the white supremacist belief in colnial rule.
It was in this romantic spirit that this bronze was created.
By the end of the 18th century the anti-slavery society was becoming influential and the notion of the free spirited noble savage was gaining currency and contributing to the developing abolitionist case.
Artists began to portray a more powerful and positive, but somewhat romantic image of black people, and this image was not yet tainted with the white supremacist belief in colnial rule.
It was in this romantic spirit that this bronze was created.
An English Bronze bust of a Man as Africa