A Fine English Portrait of a Pointer Dog , His Collar Inscribed 'Thynne Worthy - Chilton Candover 1749'
A Fine English Portrait of a Pointer Dog , His Collar Inscribed ‘Thynne Worthy - Chilton Candover 1749’ Oil on canvas
Mid 18 th Century
Size : 112 cm high , 147 cm wide – 44 ins high , 58 ins wide
96.5 cm high , 132 cm wide – 38 ins high 52 ins wide ( canvas )
Mid 18 th Century
Size : 112 cm high , 147 cm wide – 44 ins high , 58 ins wide
96.5 cm high , 132 cm wide – 38 ins high 52 ins wide ( canvas )
Many of the English painters of hunting and racing animals and scenes were not professionally trained artists , such as the Sartorius family famous for their paintings of racehorses . Thus in the 18 th century for the first time in art history the English primitive painter began to come to the fore affording those of us who today wish to forget our modern urban chaos , a glimpse of a genuinely rural past .
The pointer is a breed of gundog trained to find and then 'point' at game whilst the gun can take aim and shoot . Chilton Candover is a Hampshire village lying between Alton and Basingstoke and is most probably the village depicted in the painting .
The pointer is a breed of gundog trained to find and then 'point' at game whilst the gun can take aim and shoot . Chilton Candover is a Hampshire village lying between Alton and Basingstoke and is most probably the village depicted in the painting .
A Fine English Portrait of a Pointer Dog , His Collar Inscribed 'Thynne Worthy - Chilton Candover 1749'