A Roman Marble Fragment Torso , probably Apollo
A Roman Marble Fragment Torso , probably Apollo
1 st Century A.D
Size : 9 cm high , 9 cm wide , 11 cm deep – 3½ ins high , 3½ ins wide , 4¼ ins deep
1 st Century A.D
Size : 9 cm high , 9 cm wide , 11 cm deep – 3½ ins high , 3½ ins wide , 4¼ ins deep
In ancient art Apollo was represented as a long haired , beardless and beautiful youth , of tall yet muscular build with handsome proportions . Images of him were as abundant as his worship was extensive . There can scarcely have been an artist of antiquity who did not try his hand upon some aspect of the mythology of Apollo .
A Roman Marble Fragment Torso , probably Apollo