A Very Fine Kelamantan Basket , Borneo
A Very Fine Kelamantan Basket , Borneo , Indonesia
Late 19 th Century – Early 20 th Century
Size : 35.5 cm long , 18 cm dia. – 14 ins long , 7 ins dia.
Late 19 th Century – Early 20 th Century
Size : 35.5 cm long , 18 cm dia. – 14 ins long , 7 ins dia.
The Kelamantan , many of whom were nomad hunters , are renowned for their woven basketry . Both men and women weave and their basket work is of a high standard .
Indonesian decorative art is generally characterised by a tendency to irregular scrollwork and plant designs are frequently used and interpreted . In Borneo the woven patterns are representations of animals and plants and it is believed that their use affords magical protection to the owner of the basket from general misfortune .
Indonesian decorative art is generally characterised by a tendency to irregular scrollwork and plant designs are frequently used and interpreted . In Borneo the woven patterns are representations of animals and plants and it is believed that their use affords magical protection to the owner of the basket from general misfortune .
A Very Fine Kelamantan Basket , Borneo